"Pest" v. 0xFC.

This is a continuation of "Pest" v. 0xFD.

There are currently two published prototype implementations of Pest:

"Blatta" (by thimbronion); and "smalpest" (by jonsykkel). Thank you, prototype implementers!

A quite lively Pestnet is now active, and a public log thereof, operated by billymg (WOT) may be seen here.

There is a working draft of v. 0xFB. (Note: it may change without warning!)

The document (very much a work in progress!) is available as a vtree. You will need:

Add the above vpatches and seals to your V-set, and press to pest_spec_FC.kv.vpatch.

To "compile" the document to HTML, run make (this requires the "markdown2" utility.)

Please submit any proposed changes to this spec in vpatch form.

The full text is reproduced below, and any reader able to spare the time for a careful reading is invited to comment!
This version is obsolete! Please read v. 0xFB !

Click here for a printer-friendly version of this text.

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Friday January 14 2022 , filed under Bitcoin, Cold Air, Computation, Cryptography, Friends, Hot Air, Idea, Mathematics, ModestProposal, NonLoper, P2P, Pest, Progress, SerpentCipher, ShouldersGiants, SoftwareSucks . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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