SmartProbe GDB Remote Serial API


GDB Hardware Protocol Definition

SmartProbe acts as a "GDB Stub". As such, its API is GDB compliant. 

GDB Commands

The following is a summary of GDB 7.1 commands that the SmartProbe firmware supports. See the GDB documentation for more details on any of these commands. The text here is meant to serve as a supplement to the GDB documentation without trying to replicate it. The GDB documentation can be found at Note that Sage Electronic Engineering is not responsible for any content on the website.

Sage Command Extensions

SmartProbe Error Codes

Flow Control Commands

c (continue)


Continue command. Used to sequence x86 program by releasing control of the target.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe releases the target to run freely.

Note: If no breakpoints are configured, the probe will not regain control of the target. The user can regain control via sending a Ctrl-C (0x03) to the probe.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) c

Response: Continuing.

Example Usage via API

Send: $c#63

Response: +

s (step)


Single-step commands. Used to sequence an x86 program by executing one, and only one, opcode.

Note that the GDB command "step" sequences the program by one source-line. For source written in assembly language, step and stepi are the same. For higher levels languages one "step" command may comprise one or more "stepi" commands. It also may comprise NO stepi commands but instead use the "c" command with a breakpoint. GDB makes the determination as how to translate "step" into probe commands.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe sequences the target one x86 opcode.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) stepi

Response: (gdb)

Z / z (break)


Set (Z) or clear (z) a breakpoint or watchpoint

Probe Actions Taken

Breakpoint or watchpoint is set according to passed parameters

Involves target


Setting and clearing a software breakpoint (GDB Z0/z0 command)

Set a software breakpoint via GDB

Send: (gdb) break *0x100000

Response: Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000


Clear a software breakpoint via GDB

Send: N/A for probe. The GDB command is "delete" but this sends no commands to the probe. Note that GDB sets all configured breakpoints when the user types "c" (continue) and removes all configured breakpoints when a breakpoint is hit or the user presses Ctrl-C (abort).


Setting and clearing a hardware breakpoint (GDB Z1/z1 command)

Set a HARDWARE breakpoint via GDB

Send: (gdb) hbreak main (note in this example a symbol is used. This requires that a symbol file was loaded into GDB)

Response: Hardware assisted breakpoint 2 at main


Clear a HARDWARE breakpoint via GDB

Send: N/A for probe. The GDB command is "delete" but this sends no commands to the probe. Note that GDB sets all configured breakpoints when the user types "c" (continue) and removes all configured breakpoints when a breakpoint is hit or the user presses Ctrl-C (abort).

General Commands

k (kill)


Terminate the current debug session

Probe Actions Taken

ACK response sent to GDB

After ACK is sent:

Target is released; execution resumes at cs:eip. Target state is as the user left it therefore proper target behavior is not guaranteed.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) k

Response: Kill the program being debugged? (y or n)

g (flush)


Return all of the processor registers.

Probe Actions Taken

Read current values from target and return them to the caller. Also cache the values internally.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) flush

Response: Register cache flushed.


P (set)


Set the value of a single processor register.

Probe Actions Taken

Updates one processor register

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) set $pc=0x100000

Response: (gdb)


p (print)


Get the value of one processor register

Probe Actions Taken

Returns current value of requested processor register

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) print $pc

Response: $1 = (void (*)()) 0x100000 <_entry>

This formatting requires that symbols are loaded.

Monitor Commands



Unconditionally resets the target system.

Requires that the SmartProbe reset cable be attached to the target.

This command causes the probe to disconnect from the target. It is necessary to execute "monitor halt" to regain control of the target after executing this command.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe pulses the reset line via the reset cable.

Response packet is returned AFTER completion of the reset event

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor reset

Response: (gdb)




Unconditionally releases the target. Target starts executing code at current CS:EIP

If breakpoints or watchpoints are configured and the target hits them, control will be returned to the probe and user.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe issues appropriate command to release the target.

ACK is returned immediately

If no breakpoints or watchpoints are hit, this is all the probe returns.

If a breakpoint or watchpoint is hit, the probe returns S05 when the event occurs.

The probe will return an E64 error if the target is already running (re: not halted).

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor run

Response: (gdb)



Unconditionally halts the target. All cores on all nodes are halted.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe issues appropriate signal (DBREQ#) to the target.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor halt

Response: (gdb)



Generate a delay and return control

Probe Actions Taken

Probe delays for 1us and then returns control. This command is implemented to be GDB compliant.

Involves target




Returns a list of all commands support by the GDB monitor command

Probe Actions Taken

Returns a NULL terminated list of monitor commands support by the current version of firmware.

Note: Commands are returned case-sensitive; SmartProbe treats commands as case-sensitive.

If a command returns an error, check the case.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor help



























Target Memory Access Commands

m (x read/write memory)


Read target memory

Probe Actions Taken

Probe reads memory from target and returns it to caller in binary format

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) x/20xb 0x100000

Read 20 bytes from 0x100000 and display in hex. See the GDB documentation for other ways to use this command.

Response: When GDB displays this data is appears as follows. This formatting is added by GDB.

0x100000: 0xe8 0x23 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xc3 0x66 0x90

0x100008: 0x02 0xb0 0xad 0x1b 0x03 0x00 0x01 0x00

0x100010: 0xfb 0x4f 0x51 0xe4

X (load and restore)


Write to target memory; data sent in binary format with escape characters.


$X<mem addr>,<length>:<binary data>#<checksum>

NOTE: The mem addr, length, and checksum are understood to be hex values

NOTE: The binary data must escape special characters such as '$' and '#'

Probe Actions Taken

Probe removes escape characters and then writes data to memory.

If address is in range of the SPI ROM, probe automatically switches to programming in flash mode.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

See either the "load" (for ELF files) or the "restore" (for binary files) command in the GDB documentation for proper usage

Sage General Purpose Commands



Read from an I/O port. User can specify port size (1 byte, 2 bytes (1 word), 4 bytes (1 double-word (dword)).


monitor IOread,<offset>,<size>

NOTE: Offset and size are hex values

NOTE: Size must be 1, 2, or 4 (bytes)

Probe Actions Taken

Probe reads the specified port and returns the value

The string is terminated with a carriage-return ('\n', hex 0x0A).

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor IOread,cf8,4

Response: 8000c3e8



Write to an I/O port. User can specify port size (1 byte, 2 bytes (1 word), 4 bytes (1 double-word (dword)).


monitor IOwrite,<offset>,<size>,<value>

NOTE: Offset, size, and value are hex values

NOTE: Size must be 1, 2, or 4 (bytes)

Probe Actions Taken

Probe writes data value to the target

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor IOwrite,cf8,4,80000000

Response: (gdb)



Read a MSR (Machine Specific Register). These registers are defined in AMD documentation.


monitor MSRread,<register>[,<node>,<core>]

The return value is in ASCII format and expressed as <upper 32-bits>-<lower 32-bits>

Note that a dash "-" separates the upper and lower 32-bits

NOTE: Node and core are optional - if the node/core parameters are not provided the MSR read will be automatically directed to node0:core0

Probe Actions Taken

Probe reads MSR from target and returns the result

The string is terminated with a carriage-return ('\n', hex 0x0A).

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor MSRread,C0010030

Response: 6c687441-20444d41



Write a MSR (Machine Specific Register). These registers are defined in AMD documentation.


monitor MSRwrite,<register>,<upper 32-bits>,<lower 32-bits>[,<node>,<core>]

The data fields are in ASCII format and expressed as <address>,<upper 32-bits>,<lower 32-bits>

Note that a comma (",") separates each data field

NOTE: Node and core are optional - if the node/core parameters are not provided the MSR write will be automatically directed to node0:core0

Probe Actions Taken

Probe updates MSR on target with new value

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor MSRwrite,C0010030,3030303030303030,3131313131313131

Response: (gdb)



Performs an atomic PCI read from the specified address.


monitor PCIread,<PCI addr>

NOTE: PCI addr is understood to be a hex value - do NOT put "0x" in front of the addr

Probe Actions Taken

Probe atomically reads the specified PCI address and returns the result

The string is terminated with a carriage-return ('\n', hex 0x0A).

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor PCIread,80000000

Response: 96001022



Performs an atomic write to the specified PCI address


monitor PCIwrite,<PCI addr>,<value>

NOTE: PCI addr and value are understood to be hex values - do NOT put "0x" in front of any value

Probe Actions Taken

Probe atomically writes to the specified PCI address

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor PCIwrite,80000010,12345678

Response: (gdb)



Reads registers from a specific Node:Core


monitor RegisterRead,<node>,<core>[,<register>]

NOTE: Node, core, and register are all understood to be hex values - do NOT put "0x" in front of any value

NOTE: Register is optional, if the register is omitted then all the registers will be returned (equivalent to gdb 'g' command)

Probe Actions Taken

Probe reads the requested register if present otherwise returns all registers

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor RegisterRead,0,0,8

Response: 0000fff0



Writes one register on a specific Node:Core with the specified value


monitor RegisterWrite,<node>,<core>,<register>=<value>

NOTE: Node, core, register, and value are all understood to be hex values - do NOT put "0x" in front of any value

Probe Actions Taken

Probe atomically writes to the specified register

Involves target

Yes. If not already halted, the target is left in a halted state after this command completes.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb)monitor RegisterWrite,0,0,8=00100000

Response: (gdb)

Sage JTAG Scan Commands



Allows direct control of the JTAG scan chain though SmartProbe.

The data fields are in ASCII encoded hex format with the fields separated by commas. The outbound data is formatted as:

<TMS-pre>,<TMS-post>[,<data bit count>,<data out>]

1) TMS-pre - an 8-bit field representing a TMS bit stream to be shifted out. This field in normally used to transition to the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state. Bits are shifted out LSB first.

2) TMS-post - an 8-bit field representing a TMS bit stream to be shifted out. This field in normally used to transition from the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state back to the idle state. Bits are shifted out LSB first.

3) data bit count - an 8-bit value that allows from 1 to 256 data bits to be shifted out during the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state. The SmartProbe will always shift out data bit count + 1 bits whenever entering the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state. This field must be set to a value of zero if the SHIFT-DR or SHIFT-IR state will not be entered during this JTAGXCV command cycle.

4) data out - up to a 32-byte field containing the data to be shifted out during the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state. This field should be empty if SHIFT-DR or SHIFT-IR state will not be entered during this JTAGXCV command cycle. Less than a full 32-byte field may be sent, but results are unpredictable if less than the specified number of bits are supplied. Bits are shifted out LSB first.

Note: data bit count and out data should be omitted if the JTAG TAP controller state machine will not enter SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state after the TMS-pre sequence is executed.

The inbound data will be returned formatted as:

<data in>

1) data in - up to a 32-byte field containing the data shifted in during the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state. This field is empty if SHIFT-DR or SHIFT-IR state was not entered during this JTAGXCV command cycle. Return values are always returned byte aligned, LSB first and unused MSB places will be set to zero.

Note: The JTAGXCV command should be used cautiously, as it may impact system stability. The TAP controller should always be reset and returned to the IDLE state before resuming processor control.

Probe Actions Taken

The Probe manipulates the TAP state using TMS-pre, then simultaneously shifts data out and in from the JTAG device chain, and finally manipulates the TAP state again using TMS-post.

Involves target

Yes, but processor debug state is not altered by this command.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,20,01,10,1E5FA

Response: 003F15


Sample JTAGXCV to Read EIP

Example for Family 10h platform

Sample sequence steps

1.    Reset target and halt at the first instruction

2.    Put JTAG TAP controller state machine into Reset state

3.    Put Processor into "HDT Mode" (Enter Shift IR, shift out USE_HDT command, return to Idle state)

4.    Request EIP register from Node[0], Core[0] on a single-socket platform (Enter Shift DR, shift out HDT Register Read command, return to Idle state)

5.    Read back EIP register value (Enter Shift DR, shift out NULL command, return to Idle state)

Sample sequence via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor HaltOnReset

Response: (gdb)

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,1F,00

Response: (gdb)

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,30,1,7,06

Response: 01

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,20,1,4d,0a440200000000000000

Response: 01c0ffffff3f00000000

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,20,1,4d,00000000000000000000

Response: 0100fc3f000000000000

Notes on JTAGXCV commands

1.    The out data value should always be a power-of-two characters. i.e. "6" != "06" - Firmware will read "6" as "60"

2.    The out data bytes are left-to-right least significant to most significant. i.e. data[0] = 0x0a, data[1] = 0x44, data[2] = 0x02, etc.

3.    The in data bytes are left-to-right least significant to most significant. i.e. data[0] = 0x01, data[1] = 0x00, data[2] = 0xfc, data[3] = 0x3f, etc.


Example for Family 0Fh Platform

Repeat the same sequence as above, except change the data length on step #3 to 5-bits instead of 8-bits

Send: (gdb) monitor JTAGXCV,30,1,4,06

Sage Sideband Commands



Prepare for loading loading L1 cache with code for execution.

Requires SmartProbe reset cable to be attached to the target.

Required argument - reset type

CarOnReset,c - reset step uses cold reset (hardware cable)

CarOnReset,w - reset step uses warm reset (I/O write of 06 to port CF9)

Probe Actions Taken

Probe resets target and halts execution prior to the first opcode fetch. Reads of memory location FFFFFFF0 done by the southbridge hunt are diverted to cache so that no flash chip is required.

Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor CarOnReset,c

Response: (gdb)



To request the halted state of all cores on an HDT node (aka processor)

Command Syntax

monitor HaltedCores[,<node index>]


1.    The node index is optional, the default is to query the node at position "0" in the JTAG scan chain

2.    The node index is 0-based

3.    The maximum supported number of nodes is 8

4.    The probe will respond with "E06" if an invalid node index is requested

Response Syntax

<number of cores>:<bitmask of halted cores>


1.    The number of cores and the bitmask of halted cores are to be interpreted as hex values

2.    The string is terminated with a carriage-return ('\n', hex 0x0A).

3.    The number of cores is the total count of cores on the indexed HDT node

4.    The bitmask of halted cores returns 1=halted, 0=not halted for each core (core[0] = bit[0], etc.)

Probe Actions Taken

Probe scans internal data structures to determine the cores currently known state

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor HaltedCores

Response: 04:0000000f




To allow debugging starting at the reset vector

Requires SmartProbe reset cable to be attached to the target.

Special: The user should issue a 'g' command ("flush" in GDB) after this command returns. This ensures that GDB or the user application has correct processor data.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe resets target and halts execution at the reset vector

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor HaltOnReset

Response: (gdb)




Enables and configures virtual port capture

Virtual port capture allows the SmartProbe to trap I/O writes to the specified port and to return the value to the host. Possible uses are:

Get post codes without requiring additional hardware to trap values written to port 0x80

Get serial console output without requiring a serial port connection on the target system

Command Syntax

monitor Port,<I/O port addr>[,<enable flag>]


1.    The I/O port addr is always interpreted as a hex value

2.    The enable flag is optional, the default is to enable virtual port capture (1=enable, 0=disable)

3.    The enable command should only be set once during a debug session

Multiple enable commands will result in hitting "phantom breakpoints" every time a virtual port event occurs

4.    The disable command should be sent at the end of a debug session, or the target system should be reset, to remove the virtual port capture

Virtual Port Data Syntax



1.    All virtual port data is transmitted in encoded ASCII - For example: "c" is converted via an 'itoa' operation to the string "63" before transmitting

2.    Binary data is NOT encoded to be printable on the gdb command line console - a binary value of 1 is converted to "01" before transmitting

Probe Actions Taken

Probe configures an I/O trap and will automatically transmit characters written to that I/O port address to the host when the target system is executing

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor Port,3f8

Response: (gdb)

Virtual Port Data: coreboot



Sets the target power state to either ON or OFF

There are three sub-commands available

on - Turn on target power

off - Turn off target power (non ACPI mode)

acpi - Turn off target power (ACPI mode)

IMPORTANT: This command returns an "OK" status immediately. This simply means the command was received and processed. It does NOT mean the power state has finished changing state.

For example, in ACPI mode it takes 4-seconds before the power goes off. The user of this command must poll the target data structure (see monitor Target) and wait for the power state indicator to change state.

Probe Actions Taken

Probe sets the target power state.

For each of these commands, the target is not halted after completion. If user wants to control the target, they must manually halt the target (if power was just applied). Target can't be halted if not powered.

Requires the SmartProbe power cable to be attached to the target.

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Power ON

Send: (gdb) monitor Power,on

Response: (gdb)

Power OFF with no ACPI

Send: (gdb) monitor Power,off

Response: (gdb)

Power OFF via ACPI

Send: (gdb) monitor Power,acpi

Response: (gdb)




Return the SmartProbe firmware version string

Probe Actions Taken

Probe returns its version string.

The string is terminated with a carriage-return ('\n', hex 0x0A).

Involves target


Example Usage via GDB

Send: (gdb) monitor Version

Response: SmartProbe: 1.04.00

Sage API Error Code Definitions

Sage API Error Code Definitions

The following codes may be displayed by GDB in the form of "Remote failure reply: Exx" where 'xx' is one of the following below

NOTE: GDB will display "Protocol error with Rcmd" if any of the error codes below are returned in response to a monitor command

General Codes

E01 - Unspecified Error Condition

E02 - Bad Parameter found while processing the command

E06 - The node index received in the host request is invalid

User specified an invalid node (must be 0 to 7, inclusive)

E07 - The command received from the host is not supported

User tried to invoke a deprecated command that is no longer supported

User tried to invoke a command that is not valid for the processor family detected on the target system

HDT/JTAG Error Codes

E60 - HDT Send Error - Probe could not send an HDT command to a node:core

E61 - HDT Receive Error - Probe sent an HDT command to the target but the node:core did not respond

The HDT command was sent to a core that is not halted

The HDT command was sent to a core that has experienced and unrecoverable error and has shutdown

E63 - Probe could not send an HDT command to a non-HDT device

The HDT command is targeting a node that is not a recognized AMD processor supported by SmartProbe

E64 - Probe could not send an HDT command to a node that is not halted

The HDT command is targeting a node that is not currently halted and in HDT mode

E66 - Core has experienced an unrecoverable error and has shutdown

The core executed a command that led to a GP fault or similar, the core must be reset before resuming

Operational Codes

E80 - Target is not powered

E81 - The HDT cable is not plugged in

E82 - Communication with the target failed, the command timed out with no response