Cost Calculator (1 Jan. 2022 Price Schedule) :

(All prices in U.S. $)

9 July 2020 Added machine: APU3 2TB
15 April 2020 Added machine: APU3
20 December 2020 20$ increase in upstream cost.
05 December 2021 90$ increase in upstream cost; 1.35$ increase in IP cost.

Fixed Parameter Value
Te (Upstream Cost w/ Overhead)
R (Rack Slots Avail. for Users)
W (Wattage Avail. for Users)
I (Surcharge per IP)
M (Margin)

1. Please select Lease or Colocation of Irons:

2. Please select Number of IP Addresses Required (At least 1) :

# of IP Addresses

3. Please select Billing Term:

4. Adjust below (if "Custom Iron" Lease or "Colo Only") :

Units of Rack Height Wattage

Leased Iron Value Amortization (Months)

5. Your Shared-Resource Utilization:

Parameter Value Description
Ps = Height / R Portion Demanded of Available Physical Space
Pw = Wattage / W Portion Demanded of Available Wattage
Pu = Max(Ps, Pw) Effective Portion of Shared Resources Demanded

6. Monthly Service Cost Breakdown:

Cost Component Cost Description
C = Pu × Te Monthly Colo Cost (cost of the shared physical resources demanded; See #5)
L = Value / Amort Monthly Lease Cost (Cost of all Leased Irons requested; See #1)
CI = I × NI Monthly IP Cost (Cost of Requested Number of IP Addresses; See #2)

7. Total Monthly Cost:

Cost Component Cost Description
S = C + L + CI Monthly Subtotal
Sm = S × M Margin
D Bulk Discount (See #3)
T = S + Sm - D Your Monthly Price

8. Cost of Your Subscription:

Term (Months) Amount Due