"Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 1: Genesis.

FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library, differs from the typical Open Sores abomination, in that -- rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives -- prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same manner that you would understand and pack your own parachute.

Current Table of Contents:

This article is the first in a series, at the end of which the patient reader will have glued together, with his own hands -- and fully fit into his head -- a demonstrably-correct set of routines for multiple-precision arithmetic, sufficient for carrying out RSA and many other forms of number-theoretical cryptography.

The "bignum" arithmetic libraries currently in common use were, near as I can tell, all and without exception written by NSA assets and their various "useful idiots". The conclusion is difficult to avoid, given as every example known to me suffers from one or more of the following ills:

FFA, on the other hand:

  • Written in a heavily-restricted subset of the Ada programming language -- the only currently-existing nonproprietary statically-compiled language which permits fully bounds-checked, pointerolade-free code and practically-auditable binaries. We will be using GNAT, which relies on the GCC backend.
  • No external dependencies or libraries are made use of; suitable for embedded systems with limited memory. Language features which bloat the generated binary (e.g. OOP) are avoided.
  • No use of heap allocators. (In fact, wholly allocator-agnostic.) Memory requirement for all operations is readily calculable in advance from the width of the inputs.
  • The total set of components needed for RSA occupies around 3000 lines, incl. comments, of clear and unidiomatic (i.e. containing no "perlisms") code.
  • Contains no inline assembler and is married to no particular machine (i.e. can be built for microcontrollers, MS-DOS boxes, CPUs of virtually any "bitness")
  • Does not branch-on-secret-bits
  • Does not address memory by secret values, i.e. is cachebleed-proof
  • Fully unrollable, deterministic (and ergo auditable) control flow. I.e. all RSA modular-exponentiation operations will take exactly the same amount of time, via exactly the same flow of instructions; all algorithmic-complexity attack vectors are ruled out.

FFA will be presented to the reader in small pieces. Each should take more than one hour, but probably fewer than two, to fully study and understand.

You will need:

Just as "theater begins with the coat room", each FFA article begins with a V-press. Set up your Vtron if you have not already done so, and press the "genesis" -- "ffa_ch1_genesis".

You will end up with two directories, libffa and ffademo. The former contains the subset of FFA discussed in this chapter; the latter -- the demo routines for same. The reader is invited to modify the demo routines, experiment, learn.

Each subsequent chapter of the FFA series will contain a V-patch on the previous set, and the next -- another, until the final article in the series: where "P" -- an FFA-tronic GPG replacement -- is introduced.

First, verify that your V-Tron, GNAT, and genesis press are in working order, by compiling the introductory demo:

cd ffademo

The output should resemble:

using project file ffa_demo.gpr
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections ffa_demo.adb
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc word_ops.adb
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc fz_type.ads
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc fz_arith.adb
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc w_shifts.ads
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc iron.ads
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
-gnatec=/home/you/ffa/libffa/restrict.adc words.ads
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections demo_ch1.adb
gcc -c -O2 -fdump-scos -gnata -fstack-check -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections ffa_io.adb
gprlib FFA.lexch
ar cr /home/you/ffa/libffa/lib/libFFA.a /home/you/ffa/libffa/obj/word_ops.o
/home/you/ffa/libffa/obj/fz_type.o ...
ranlib libFFA.a
gprbind ffa_demo.bexch
gnatbind ffa_demo.ali
gcc -c b__ffa_demo.adb
gcc ffa_demo.o -Wl,--gc-sections -static -o ffa_demo

Observe that the contents of the 'libffa' directory build recursively.

If you are an Apple victim, your OS prohibits static linking, and you may see barf instead. You may use the debug (dynamically linked) variant:

gprbuild -Xmode=debug

Do not run the demo yet. (you read programs before running, don't you?) Instead, let's take a careful look at what is inside.

Let's begin with the restriction pragmas. These define a particular, constrained subset of the Ada programming language, by prohibiting the use of certain features. GNAT will balk if it encounters a prohibited feature in FFA or the demo routines.

The logic behind the restrictions was a combination of "guilty until proven innocent" -- if we can do without a construct, we will -- and "enable all safety features":


pragma Restrictions(Immediate_Reclamation);
pragma Restrictions(Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting => 0);
pragma Restrictions(Max_Protected_Entries => 0);
pragma Restrictions(Max_Select_Alternatives => 0);
pragma Restrictions(Max_Task_Entries => 0);
pragma Restrictions(Max_Tasks => 0);
pragma Restrictions(No_Abort_Statements);
pragma Restrictions(No_Access_Parameter_Allocators);
pragma Restrictions(No_Allocators);
pragma Restrictions(No_Asynchronous_Control);
pragma Restrictions(No_Calendar);
pragma Restrictions(No_Coextensions);
pragma Restrictions(No_Default_Stream_Attributes);
pragma Restrictions(No_Delay);
pragma Restrictions(No_Dispatch);
pragma Restrictions(No_Dispatching_Calls);
pragma Restrictions(No_Dynamic_Attachment);
pragma Restrictions(No_Dynamic_Priorities);
pragma Restrictions(No_Entry_Calls_In_Elaboration_Code);
pragma Restrictions(No_Entry_Queue);
pragma Restrictions(No_Enumeration_Maps);
pragma Restrictions(No_Exception_Propagation);
pragma Restrictions(No_Exception_Registration);
pragma Restrictions(No_Finalization);
pragma Restrictions(No_Fixed_Io);
pragma Restrictions(No_Floating_Point);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implementation_Aspect_Specifications);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implementation_Units);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Aliasing);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Conditionals);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Protected_Object_Allocations);
pragma Restrictions(No_Implicit_Task_Allocations);
pragma Restrictions(No_Initialize_Scalars);
pragma Restrictions(No_Local_Protected_Objects);
pragma Restrictions(No_Local_Timing_Events);
pragma Restrictions(No_Multiple_Elaboration);
pragma Restrictions(No_Nested_Finalization);
pragma Restrictions(No_Protected_Type_Allocators);
pragma Restrictions(No_Protected_Types);
pragma Restrictions(No_Relative_Delay);
pragma Restrictions(No_Requeue_Statements);
pragma Restrictions(No_Secondary_Stack);
pragma Restrictions(No_Select_Statements);
pragma Restrictions(No_Specific_Termination_Handlers);
pragma Restrictions(No_Standard_Allocators_After_Elaboration);
pragma Restrictions(No_Stream_Optimizations);
pragma Restrictions(No_Streams);
pragma Restrictions(No_Task_Allocators);
pragma Restrictions(No_Task_At_Interrupt_Priority);
pragma Restrictions(No_Task_Attributes_Package);
pragma Restrictions(No_Task_Hierarchy);
pragma Restrictions(No_Tasking);
pragma Restrictions(No_Task_Termination);
pragma Restrictions(No_Terminate_Alternatives);
pragma Restrictions(No_Unchecked_Access);
pragma Restrictions(No_Unchecked_Conversion);
pragma Restrictions(No_Unchecked_Deallocation);
pragma Restrictions(No_Wide_Characters);
pragma Restrictions(Pure_Barriers);
pragma Restrictions(Simple_Barriers);
pragma Restrictions(Static_Priorities);
pragma Restrictions(Static_Storage_Size);
pragma Validity_Checks(ALL_CHECKS);

Towards the end of this article series, we will investigate the impact of such "fascism" on program performance, and the possibility of cautiously replacing certain bounds checks with formal proof of nonoverflowability.

Let's proceed to the builder. Observe that GnuMake was not listed in the list of required programs for this tutorial. Instead we make use of GNAT's "GprBuild", a substantially cleaner and better-behaved item:


project FFA is
  for Object_Dir use "obj";
  type Mode_Type is ("debug", "release");
  Mode : Mode_Type := external ("mode", "release");
  for Languages         use ("Ada");
  for Source_Dirs       use (".");
  for Library_Dir       use "lib";
  for Library_Name      use "FFA";
  for Library_Kind      use "static";
  package Binder is
     case Mode is
        when "debug" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ();
        when "release" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-static", "-r");
     end case;
  end Binder;
  package Builder is
     for Switches ("Ada")
       use ("-nostdlib");
  end Builder;
  package Compiler is
     case Mode is
        when "debug" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-g");
        when "release" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-O2", "-fdump-scos", "-gnata", "-fstack-check",
                  "-fdata-sections", "-ffunction-sections",
                  "-gnatec=" & FFA'Project_Dir & "restrict.adc");
     end case;
  end Compiler;
end FFA;

Now let's proceed to the only machine-dependent section of FFA.

The supplied iron.ads pre-supposes eight-bit bytes, and a 64-bit CPU:


package Iron is
   pragma Pure;
   -------- For a 64-bit system: --------
   MachineBitness     : constant Positive := 64;
   MachineBitnessLog2 : constant Positive := 6; -- log2(64)
   -- Bits per Byte
   ByteBits           : constant Positive := 8;
end Iron;

If this is not what you have, change the constants, e.g.:

   ------ For a 32-bit system: --------
     MachineBitness     : constant Positive := 32;
     MachineBitnessLog2 : constant Positive := 5; -- log2(32)

The purpose of MachineBitnessLog2 will become apparent later; ignore it for now.

Let's proceed to the most fundamental building block of FFA, the machine Word. A Word, from this point on, is simply a single machine word on your particular machine. It is expressed as an Ada "modular type".


with Iron;
package Words is
   pragma Pure;
   -- The most fundamental fact about Word: width.
   Bitness     : constant Positive := Iron.MachineBitness;
   -- It is possible to calculate BitnessLog2 at elaboration time,
   -- but we will avoid having ~any~ elaboration at all in FFA.
   BitnessLog2 : constant Positive := Iron.MachineBitnessLog2;
   -- The Word width, expressed in ~bytes~:
   Byteness    : constant Positive := Bitness / Iron.ByteBits;
   -- What kind of words to use. Must be machine-word or smaller.
   type Word is mod 2**Bitness;
   for Word'Size use Bitness;
   -- The very same Word, but its only legal values are 0 and 1.
   subtype WBool is Word range 0 .. 1;
   -- When we must refer to individual bit positions of a machine word:
   subtype WBit_Index is Natural range 0 .. Bitness - 1;
end Words;

A WBool is simply a Word which is permitted to contain strictly Boolean (0, 1) values. The compiler and runtime will enforce this restriction.

GNAT needs a little bit of help in making the full set of bitwise operations available for use on Word.

For some peculiar reason, the Ada standards group made the fundamental Shift and Rotate bitwise ops into optional components.

Fortunately, on GNAT we can force them to exist (On a non-GNAT compiler, you're on your own) :


with Words; use Words;
package W_Shifts is
   pragma Pure;
   function Shift_Left
     (Value  : Word;
      Amount : Natural)
     return    Word;
   pragma Import(Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
   function Shift_Right
     (Value  : Word;
      Amount : Natural)
     return    Word;
   pragma Import(Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
   function Rotate_Left
     (Value  : Word;
      Amount : Natural)
     return    Word;
   pragma Import(Intrinsic, Rotate_Left);
   function Rotate_Right
     (Value  : Word;
      Amount : Natural)
     return    Word;
   pragma Import(Intrinsic, Rotate_Right);
end W_Shifts;

Now let's proceed to the most fundamental arithmetic operations on Words:


with Words; use Words;
-- Fundamental Operations on Words:
package Word_Ops is
   pragma Pure;
   -- Branch-free calculation of 'carry' from a machine-word addition.
   function W_Carry(A : in Word; B : in Word; S : in Word)
                   return WBool;
   -- Branch-free calculation of 'borrow' from a machine-word subtraction.
   function W_Borrow(A : in Word; B : in Word; D : in Word)
                    return WBool;
   -- Without any branching: if Sel == 0, return A; if Sel == 1, return B.
   function W_Mux(A : in Word; B : in Word; Sel : in WBool)
                 return Word;
   -- Exchange A and B.
   procedure W_Swap(A : in out Word; B : in out Word);
end Word_Ops;


with W_Shifts; use W_Shifts;
-- Fundamental Operations on Words:
package body Word_Ops is

But wait.

Ada -- like C -- does not give us any portable method of determining the over/underflow from output from machine arithmetic. And, it turns out, there existed in the past -- and apparently exist today -- CPUs made by idiots and wreckers (e.g. 'RISC-V') that do not have flags at all!

However, for multi-word addition, subtraction, the inner loop of Comba's multiplication, and for a handful of other ops, we demand it.

So we derive the Carry or Borrow at the 'eldest' binary position, without using any inline assembly or special compiler features:

   -- Find the Carry, from an addition where it is known that A + B == S:
   function W_Carry(A : in Word; B : in Word; S : in Word)
                   return WBool is
      return WBool(Shift_Right((A and B) or ((A or B) and (not S)),
                               Bitness - 1));
   end W_Carry;
   pragma Inline_Always(W_Carry);
   -- Find the Borrow, from a subtraction where it is known that A - B == D:
   function W_Borrow(A : in Word; B : in Word; D : in Word)
                    return WBool is
      return WBool(Shift_Right(((not A) and B) or (((not A) or B) and D),
                               Bitness - 1));
   end W_Borrow;
   pragma Inline_Always(W_Borrow);

To derive the Carry from the addition S of words A and B, we take the highest bit ( i.e. Shift_Right( ... , Bitness - 1) ) of the result of (A and B) or ((A or B) and (not S).

To derive the Borrow from the subtraction D of words A and B, we take the highest bit ( i.e. Shift_Right( ... , Bitness - 1) ) of the result of ((not A) and B) or (((not A) or B) and D).

This derivation of the flags, strictly from the inputs and outputs of a machine-word addition or subtraction, is the single most tricky item in this article. Be prepared to spend some time drawing the circuit (of a full adder, with carry-in and carry-out) to verify the offered proof:

A+B+C is the output bit of 1-bit adder; C is carry-in;
A-B-C is the output bit of 1-bit subber; C is borrow-in.
Observe that A+B+C is equal to A-B-C for all A,B,C !
|           | 'Carry' out: |     | 'Borrow' out:  |
| | | |     |(a and b) or  |     |(~a and b) or   |
|A|B|C|A+B+C| ((a or b) and|A-B-C| ((~a or b) and |
| | | |     |    ~(A+B+C)) |     |    (A-B-C))    |
|0|0|0|  0  |      0       |  0  |       0        |
|1|0|0|  1  |      0       |  1  |       0        |
|0|1|0|  1  |      0       |  1  |       1        |
|1|1|0|  0  |      1       |  0  |       0        |
|0|0|1|  1  |      0       |  1  |       1        |
|1|0|1|  0  |      1       |  0  |       0        |
|0|1|1|  0  |      1       |  0  |       1        |
|1|1|1|  1  |      1       |  1  |       1        |
--- This base case extends to any N bit register, since
--- both equations depend ~strictly~ on A, B, and C.

Now study how the Mux and Swap operations work. Observe that no transfer-of-control CPU instructions are required:

   -- Without any branching: if Sel == 0, return A; if Sel == 1, return B.
   function W_Mux(A : in Word; B : in Word; Sel : in WBool) return Word is
      return B xor ((Sel - 1) and (A xor B));
   end W_Mux;
   pragma Inline_Always(W_Mux);
   -- Exchange A and B.
   procedure W_Swap(A : in out Word; B : in out Word) is
      A := A xor B;
      B := A xor B;
      A := A xor B;
   end W_Swap;
   pragma Inline_Always(W_Swap);
end Word_Ops;

Now we are finally ready to define FZ -- the fundamental FFA type: an unsigned integer of fixed width, i.e. a contiguous array of machine words.


with Words; use Words;
package FZ_Type is
   pragma Pure;
   -- Indices of all indexable items:
   type Indices is new Natural;
   -- Index of a particular Word in an FZ:
   subtype Word_Index is Indices;
   -- The FZ, in person! I.e. a bignum of permanently fixed bitness.
   type FZ is array(Word_Index range <>) of Word;
   -- A count of Words in an FZ (cannot be 0):
   subtype Word_Count is Indices range 1 .. Indices'Last;
   -- An index of a particular ~bit~ in an FZ:
   subtype FZBit_Index is Indices;
end FZ_Type;

And finally, our first multi-word FFA arithmetical operations: ordinary addition and subtraction, with carry output.

Observe that a program which invokes FFA is expected to allocate memory of the proper size for each FFA integer; and that no such thing as normalization is permitted or permissible in FFA -- it would result in branches-on-secrets, i.e. timing side-channels. An addition or a subtraction of a pair of FFA integers with no bits set (i.e. all bits, in each word, equal 0) takes exactly the same amount of time, and is performed via the same sequence of CPU instructions, as of two FFA integers with all bits set (i.e. all bits, in each word, equal 1), or of any other possible integers of the same bitness (i.e. number of words.) In other words, the algorithmic complexity of FFA's arithmetical operations is always independent of the Hamming weights of the given operands.


with Words;   use Words;
with FZ_Type; use FZ_Type;
-- Fundamental Arithmetic operators on FZ:
package FZ_Arith is
   pragma Pure;
   -- Sum := X + Y; Overflow := Carry
   procedure FZ_Add(X          : in    FZ;
                    Y          : in    FZ;
                    Sum        : out   FZ;
                    Overflow   : out   WBool);
   pragma Precondition(X'Length = Y'Length and X'Length = Sum'Length);
   -- Difference := X - Y; Underflow := Borrow
   procedure FZ_Sub(X          : in  FZ;
                    Y          : in  FZ;
                    Difference : out FZ;
                    Underflow  : out WBool);
   pragma Precondition(X'Length = Y'Length and X'Length = Difference'Length);
end FZ_Arith;

Observe that the preconditions for addition and subtraction demand equal bitnesses for pairwise FFA operators. This pattern will likewise hold in the algorithms we will discuss in later articles.

And, now at last, the FZ adder and FZ subtracter:


with Word_Ops; use Word_Ops;
-- Fundamental Arithmetic operators on FZ:
package body FZ_Arith is
   -- Sum := X + Y; Overflow := Carry
   procedure FZ_Add(X          : in  FZ;
                    Y          : in  FZ;
                    Sum        : out FZ;
                    Overflow   : out WBool) is
      Carry : WBool := 0;
      for i in X'Range loop
            A : constant Word := X(I);
            B : constant Word := Y(I);
            S : constant Word := A + B + Carry;
            Sum(i) := S;
            Carry  := W_Carry(A, B, S);
      end loop;
      Overflow := Carry;
   end FZ_Add;
   pragma Inline_Always(FZ_Add);
   -- Difference := X - Y; Underflow := Borrow
   procedure FZ_Sub(X          : in  FZ;
                    Y          : in  FZ;
                    Difference : out FZ;
                    Underflow  : out WBool) is
      Borrow : WBool := 0;
      for i in 0 .. Word_Index(X'Length - 1) loop
            A : constant Word := X(X'First + i);
            B : constant Word := Y(Y'First + i);
            S : constant Word := A - B - Borrow;
            Difference(Difference'First + i) := S;
            Borrow := W_Borrow(A, B, S);
      end loop;
      Underflow := Borrow;
   end FZ_Sub;
   pragma Inline_Always(FZ_Sub);
end FZ_Arith;

The alert reader might ask why the iteration schemes differ. This will be discussed in a subsequent chapter, when we walk through multiplication and the peculiarities of Ada's "array slicing" construct.

Now let's define a simple mechanism for printing FFA integers to the console:


with Words;   use Words;
with FZ_Type; use FZ_Type;
package FFA_IO is
   -- Character representation of a Word
   type WChars is array(1 .. 2 * Byteness) of Character;
   -- Obtain the WChars corresponding to the given Word
   function W_To_WChars(N : Word) return WChars;
   -- Display a hex representation of W to stdout
   procedure Dump(W : in Word);
   -- Display a hex representation of N to stdout
   procedure Dump(N : in FZ);
end FFA_IO;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Words;    use Words;
with W_Shifts; use W_Shifts;
with FZ_Type;  use FZ_Type;
package body FFA_IO is
   -- Obtain the WChars corresponding to the given Word
   function W_To_WChars(N : Word) return WChars is
      H      : constant array(0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789ABCDEF";
      W      : Word := N;
      Result : WChars;
      for b in WChars'Range loop               -- From bottom to top:
         Result(B) := H(Natural(W and 16#F#)); -- Get current nibble.
         W         := Shift_Right(W, 4);       -- Get the next nibble.
      end loop;
      return Result;
   end W_To_WChars;
   -- Display a hex representation of W to stdout
   procedure Dump(W : in Word) is
      T : WChars := W_To_WChars(W);
      for i in reverse T'Range loop
      end loop;
   end Dump;
   -- Display a hex representation of N to stdout
   procedure Dump(N : in FZ) is
      for i in reverse N'Range loop
      end loop;
   end Dump;
end FFA_IO;

Nothing particularly complicated here.

Now for Chapter 1's demo routine itself:


package Demo_Ch1 is
   procedure Demo_Add_Sub;
end Demo_Ch1;

In this Chapter, we do not yet have a means for programmatically setting the value of an FFA integer other than via Ada's array assignment construct. But it will suffice for now, as we wish to simply explore addition and subtraction:


-- From Ada:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-- From FFA:
with Words;    use Words;
with FZ_Type;  use FZ_Type;
with FZ_Arith; use FZ_Arith;
-- From the Demo:
with FFA_IO;   use FFA_IO;
package body Demo_Ch1 is
   procedure Demo_Add_Sub is
      -- We are using 64-bit Words (see iron.ads).
      -- We'll begin with an elementary demo, using 256-bit FZ:
      X : FZ(1 .. 4) := (0,        0, 0, 0);
      Y : FZ(1 .. 4) := (16#5555#, 0, 0, 0);
      Z : FZ(1 .. 4) := (0,        0, 0, 0);
      -- Carry.
      C : WBool := 0;
      Put_Line("X         =");
      Put_Line("Y         =");
      FZ_Add(X, Y, Z, C);
      Put_Line("X + Y     =");
      Put_Line("C         = " & WBool'Image(C));
      FZ_Sub(X, Y, Z, C);
      Put_Line("X - Y     =");
      Put_Line("C         = " & WBool'Image(C));
   end Demo_Add_Sub;
end Demo_Ch1;

Our "main" :


with Demo_Ch1; use Demo_Ch1;
procedure FFA_Demo is
end FFA_Demo;

And finally, the "builder" in the ffademo directory.
This illustrates how the static library produced by libffa's builder is put to use:


with "../libffa/ffa.gpr";
project FFA_Demo is
  for Object_Dir use "obj";
  type Mode_Type is ("debug", "release");
  Mode : Mode_Type := external ("mode", "release");
  for Languages   use ("Ada");
  for Source_Dirs use (".");
  for Exec_Dir    use "bin";
  for Main        use ("ffa_demo.adb");
  package Compiler is
     case Mode is
        when "debug" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-g");
        when "release" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-O2", "-fdump-scos", "-gnata", "-fstack-check",
                  "-fdata-sections", "-ffunction-sections");
     end case;
  end Compiler;
  package Binder is
     case Mode is
        when "debug" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ();
        when "release" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-static");
     end case;
  end Binder;
  package Linker is
     case Mode is
        when "debug" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ();
        when "release" =>
           for Switches ("Ada")
             use ("-Wl,--gc-sections",
     end case;
  end Linker;
end FFA_Demo;

At this point, the reader should be reasonably confident that the Chapter 1 demo will not format his HDD; and perhaps even has a reasonable supposition as to what the output will be.

Let's run it:


And this is what you should see:

X         =
Y         =
X + Y     =
C         =  0
X - Y     =
C         =  1

Now it should be clear to the reader, that we are simply emulating a "stretched" version of something resembling a typical CPU's ALU: a mechanism which arithmetizes on registers of fixed physical size.

~To be continued!~

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Friday December 01 2017 , filed under Ada, Bitcoin, Cold Air, Computation, Cryptography, FFA, Mathematics, NonLoper, ShouldersGiants, SoftwareSucks . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

39 Responses to “"Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 1: Genesis.”

  • jooliv says:


    Great post, eagerly awating its sequels.
    However, given the requirement for no "perlisms", your decision to
    implement the swap operation with xor instead of using a temporary
    variable confuses me. Is it because of "cache-bleed" shenanigans
    or am I way off the mark?


    • Stanislav says:

      Dear jooliv,

      The fast-swap-with-xor trick dates to the 1950s, and somehow I assumed it were known -- and immediately comprehensible -- to everyone who has ever programmed anything. To the point where I see swaps via temp variable as peculiar and in need of justification.


      • apeloyee says:

        > To the point where I see swaps via temp variable as peculiar and in need of justification.

        xor swap seems to me a rake, which would hit you if the swapped values happen to be stored in the same location. This seems to be against fit-in-head philosophy.

        • Stanislav says:

          Dear apeloyee,

          I will point out that W_Mux, abused in this way, will also fail in exactly the same way. And, by extension, FZ_Mux.

          But why would you call either W_Swap(X, X) or W_Mux(X, X, ...) ? Seems to me that that would be the placement of the rake on the ground and the stepping thereon at the same moment.

          I banned pointers ("Access variables", in Ada-land), ergo the situation cannot arise spontaneously at run time. I wonder if GNAT is smart enough to take a precondition banning identical args for these without shitting out runtime checks into the built binary.

          Incidentally, after reading your comment I went to look where in FFA W_Swap is actually used, and found that it is used nowhere other than in FZ_Swap, which itself is used nowhere (in FFA, that is.)

          Possibly FFA has no business offering swap at all, the user can create it himself as FZ are simply arrays, which are assignable/copyable entities in Ada. Perhaps FZ_Swap ought to be thrown out entirely?

          Edit: and now also a thread.


          • apeloyee says:

            > Possibly FFA has no business offering swap at all, the user can create it himself as FZ are simply arrays, which are assignable/copyable entities in Ada. Perhaps FZ_Swap ought to be thrown out entirely?

            I agree.

            > I will point out that W_Mux, abused in this way, will also fail in exactly the same way. And, by extension, FZ_Mux.

            W_Mux is a function, therefore uses temporary vars and will, in fact, work. FZ_Mux therefore also.

          • FTWW says:

            The xor swap technique is well-known, as you say. It is also well-known that it produces incorrect answers when the two inputs are the same register (again, as is discussed). To my mind, that would be reason enough to avoid it: The construct being used is known to be incorrect in some cases, meaning that correctness analysis then has to look further afield to the places where that code is called, rather than being self-contained.

            Personally, I find the temporary variable version clearer in intent, particularly when other "bit magic" things are happening. However, I feel there is a more significant reason for using a temporary variable: it frequently reduces down to no work at all. Since the function is inlined, the compiler has full knowledge of the registers containing the specific values. Propagating the register analysis through the swap function (when written as three assignments using the temporary variable) simply results in an adjustment of the compilers internal variable register mapping at that point. In contrast, the xor version requires the compiler to emit three instructions unless its analysis is sophisticated.

  • apeloyee says:

    * a pure function

  • BT says:

    Hello Stanislav,

    I had problems compiling the code using gnat-gpl-2017 (AdaCore) from Gentoo repositories. Turned out, `pragma Inline_Always(...)` statements must be moved from .adb to .ads files. With GNAT 2016 from AdaCore (gcc 4.9) everything compiles fine.

    On the other hand, looks that GNAT 2017 actually did the inlining when compiling the fixed sources (https://pastebin.com/DMkB8q2t), unlike GNAT 2016 with the original sources (https://pastebin.com/fS8BYrZS). With the fixed sources, GNAT 2016 does inlining as well.

  • BT says:

    The pastes did not vanish, but the blog engine considers closing parentheses to be part of URL -- they are not.
    To complete the report:
    1. Patch that I applied to sources: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/t9cyX/?raw=true
    2. Error logs from gprbuild and nm output on libFFA.a. GNAT 2017 removes bodies of inlined functions from the static library.
    2.1 Original source, GNAT 2016: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/D95yq/?raw=true
    2.2 Original source, GNAT 2017: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yWrT8/?raw=true
    2.3 Fixed source, GNAT 2016: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PHiLb/?raw=true
    2.4 Fixed source, GNAT 2017: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NhkCU/?raw=true
    3. Objdump outputs for the bin/ffademo (only relevant parts):
    3.1 Original source, GNAT 2016: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EBXjr/?raw=true
    3.2 Original source, GNAT 2017: build failed.
    3.3 Fixed source, GNAT 2016: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yMvy1/?raw=true
    3.4 Fixed source, GNAT 2017: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ryNPg/?raw=true

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear BT,

      Thank you for running this test.

      I did know that 2016 GNATs -- GCC and AdaCore both -- leave inlined routine bodies sitting in the binary. (They actually do the inlining, I disasmed the output and looked. But they also leave the routines sitting, as if they had not been also inlined.) What I did not know is that this has been fixed in 2017. This is actually a desirable behaviour from the point of view of a complete FFA library -- the routines that actually comprise the user-callable interface, will not have inline pragmas. But for the demo articles, a GNAT that snips off inlined routines is a problem.

      I will have to think about how to handle this -- but a solution that leaves the thing unbuildable or ill-behaved with GNAT-2016 will not be considered.


  • Nonymous says:

    Minor formatting nitpick

    Each of the source files in the genesis has a copy-pasted license header, for many composing most of the lines in the file, for almost all composing most of the words in the file. This seems somewhat obscene for a piece of text that boils down to "the concept of license headers is statist braindamage, these words cannot bind you".

    Are there strong drawbacks to consolidating them into a single LICENSE file, at least?

  • Nonymous says:

    The files will get longer, though hopefully not too much for individual tests / iron / w_shifts / etc; the individual first-chapter patch, kind of by definition, will not.

    I will grant that as a spoonful of tar to find at the top of the file when you open it, the suggested ascii pr0n would be more distracting; and possibly useful if the browser presentation was hard to amend to display an equivalent graphic in 24-bit True Color.

  • Dave says:

    I'm curious what happens with xor swaps when the integers are close to max for the word size, is there an overflow flag in Gnat?
    This type of bootstrapping up a useful system is very useful independent of the application, as to my mind, we get to explicitly find out our all our mistaken assumptions, so I'll be following this a closely as I can.

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear Dave,

      Try as I might, I am unable to make proper sense of your question.

      On what planet does XOR overflow ? It isn't an arithmetic op.

      Word is a "modular type", analogous to "unsigned int" in C. When we add and subtract, portably determining overflow requires the elaborate dance shown in this chapter. But what does this have to do with XOR ?


      • Dave says:

        My mistake, when I first saw this I thought that you were packing all the bits of both numbers into one location, hence the comment on overflow. Now I've looked it up I see how it works.

  • PeterL says:

    signature ffa_ch1_genesis.vpatch.peterl.sig

    Version: GnuPG v1

    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

  • Great stuff, Stan.

    I have pressed this patch, compiled the code, and checked the demo's output.

    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  • spyked says:

    Thank you for writing this, Stan! I have added my signature below:


    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

  • ave1 says:

    Dear Stanislav,

    Thank you for this article!, I can build it fine on a MUSL GNAT installation.

    I've put my notes and comment on reading this article here..



  • ave1 says:

    It seems the inlining pragma needs to be in the specification not in the implementation file, report here.



  • I feel late to the party; oh well. This is already a nice learning resource for someone green to Ada, as I'm. This is your first article categorized under Ada and I haven't read all of your previous articles, so how did you go about learning not only Ada, but GPRbuild and other such things, Stanislav?

    My main thoughts on FFA so far are the following; I'm commenting without being familiar with any of the later articles in this series, of course:

    Why use GNAT to provide Shift_Left and Shift_Right when you can easily use multiplication and division by powers of two for this?

    Shouldn't there be a better means to get non-branching behavior in W_Mux, such that a sufficiently clever compiler can't notice and optimize it into a conditional instruction anyway? Also, an alternative implementation that comes to mind, although not necessarily fulfilling this, is to treat it like APL and have a two-element vector filled with those parameters that you select the zeroeth or first element from.

    Why is the type FZ not private? Since there's no normalization to the smallest size required, you don't open yourself to erroneous situations with it, but this seems like something that no program using FFA should need know the inner workings of.

    Why do you use Pragma for preconditions instead of the Pre aspect?

    I've already asked why you don't use child packages and you've already told me it was a personal preference, if I recall correctly and in sufficient detail.

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear Verisimilitude,

      ...so how did you go about learning not only Ada, but GPRbuild and other such things...

      See Mocky's review, he collected many of the relevant conversations in one place.

      > Why use GNAT to provide Shift_Left and Shift_Right when you can easily use multiplication and division by powers of two for this?

      Neither GNAT nor the GCC backend it is based on offers any hard guarantee that X * 2^k is compiled into a left shift, or X / 2^k into a right shift.

      > is to treat it like APL and have a two-element vector filled with those parameters that you select the zeroeth or first element from

      If you had read this first chapter attentively, you would know that indexing memory by secret values is banned in FFA. Permanently, with no exceptions.

      > Why is the type FZ not private?

      If you had read any of the subsequent chapters, you would know the answer to this.

      > Why do you use Pragma for preconditions instead of the Pre aspect?

      Ditto, as above.


      • > Neither GNAT nor the GCC backend it is based on offers any hard guarantee that X * 2^k is compiled into a left shift, or X / 2^k into a right shift.

        I suppose you want to avoid the hardware multiplier for this, then.

        > If you had read this first chapter attentively, you would know that indexing memory by secret values is banned in FFA. Permanently, with no exceptions.

        I figured that thought would likely result in code that was internally conditional or had side-channel issues. That makes sense. I suppose the only way to be certain of some properties is to inspect the compiled code.

        I'll make my way through the next chapters, eventually, and continue commenting in turn.

        • Stanislav says:

          Dear Verisimilitude,

          > I suppose you want to avoid the hardware multiplier

          Multiplication and division by powers of 2 have no business tying up the iron multiplier, correct.

          > code that was internally conditional or had side-channel issues

          Read up re cachebleed and related effects.

          > inspect the compiled code

          Definitely mandatory prior to any battlefield use.

          > I’ll make my way through the next chapters

          Enjoy. I recommend to also do the hands-on exercises.


  • shinohai says:

    Here is my signature for Ch.1, read, pressed, and demo ran as expected. I will mirror all patches and subsequent seals on my site here: http://btc.info.gf/devel/ada/ffa/


    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

  • shinohai says:

    This morning asciilifeform pointed out that ffa patches got a keccak regrind, so I am resubmitting my signatures. I will update my mirror to remove old sigs as well.



    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

  • John says:


    I was reading the discussion about Ada at Mocky's website, and noticed this thread:

    asciilifeform has been recently carrying out a kind of survey of programming
    systems ~built for adults~. so far, nominees: common lisp, ada, standard ml.
    and that's ~it~
    asciilifeform: rough and non-exhaustive summary of what 'for adults' means:
    asciilifeform: 1) type safety 2) MULTIPLE independent implementations 3) at
    least two NATIVE compilers exist 4) written international standard, preferably
    published on dead tree
    asciilifeform: under (1) i also include bounds checking and sane error handling
    asciilifeform: that's pretty much it.
    mircea_popescu: i was hoping for whips and cuffs
    asciilifeform: under (3) i also include that native compiler must support unix
    asciilifeform: (or it is not properly speaking 'native')
    asciilifeform: whips and cuffs come with ada
    asciilifeform: if your book didn't come with then, get yer money back
    asciilifeform: *them
    mircea_popescu: lol
    asciilifeform: i'd include forth, but it has the 'safety' of a frag grenade.
    asciilifeform: (a frag is not a useless thing, has its place where nothing else
    will do. but only there.)
    asciilifeform: i recall there was a thread where mircea_popescu unzipped and
    pissed on standards, but they are pretty much the only way you get to have (2)
    and (3)

    I have been looking for other discussions about Standard ML, but haven't found much either here or in the btcbase logs. Do you know of any use cases where SML outranks Ada and Common Lisp?

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear John,

      It came up several times. I rejected it for FFA (and any safety-critical applications in the general case) for reasons which include (but not limited to) : a lack of multiple, independent, usable implementations; lack of a native code optimizing compiler for x64; and unremovable dependence on a massive runtime library (incl. garbage collector, a concept IMHO wholly and irremediably inappropriate in a safety-critical system.)


  • Shark8 says:

    This is really good stuff.
    Thank you for the effort in writing it up, and the thoughtfulness put into teaching.

    A few questions on style:
    (1) is there any particular reason to avoid Ada's package System? [System.Word_Size etc.]
    (2) for things like "Bitness : constant Positive := Iron.MachineBitness;", why not use the RENAMES keyword?
    (3) also it might be a bit wordier, but it might be a bit clearer -- especially in longer/less-simple subprograms to use renames + declare-blocks
    eg [from ch. 2], FZ_Mux:
    for i in X'Range loop
    Result(i) := W_Mux(X(i), Y(i), Sel);
    end loop;
    replaced with
    for i in X'Range loop
    Param_A : Word renames X(i);
    Param_B : Word renames Y(i);
    Item : Word renames Result(i);
    Item:= W_Mux( Param_A, Param_B, Sel );
    end loop;
    Granted; the above isn't necessary for such a small subprogram and my naming-choices are poor for this example, but it is something that may help clarity.

    • Shark8 says:

      I screwed that up; sorry.

      A few questions on style:
      (1) is there any particular reason to avoid Ada's package System? [System.Word_Size etc.]

      (2) for things like "Bitness : constant Positive := Iron.MachineBitness;", why not use the RENAMES keyword?

      (3) also it might be a bit wordier, but it might be a bit clearer -- especially in longer/less-simple subprograms to use renames + declare-blocks
      eg [from ch. 2], FZ_Mux:

            for i in X'Range loop
               Result(i) := W_Mux(X(i), Y(i), Sel);
            end loop;

      replaced with

            for i in X'Range loop
                  Param_A : Word renames X(i);
                  Param_B : Word renames Y(i);
                  Item : Word renames Result(i);
                  Item:= W_Mux( Param_A, Param_B, Sel );
            end loop;

      Granted; the above isn't necessary for such a small subprogram and my naming-choices are poor for this example, but it is something that may help clarity.

      • Stanislav says:

        Dear Shark8,

        (1) The user is able to build e.g. a 32-bit FFA on a 64-bit machine. This is left for him to decide, for some applications it is necessary.

        (2) See (1)

        (3) Observe that renames constructs are used in FFA strictly where there is a repeated use of the item being referred to in a given routine (or, in some cases, for consistency with same.) See for instance here.


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