Symbolics Open Genera

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Better screen shots from other people:

Ralf Moeller

Rainer Joswig

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Thursday July 22 2010 , filed under Hardware, Lisp, LispMachine, Photo, SoftwareArchaeology, Symbolics . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

9 Responses to “Symbolics Open Genera”

  • Dénes Cselovszky says:


    Is the machine on the first picture an Alpha workstation? I looked into buying one a few years ago for OpenGenera, but the only one I found was an old 100MHz machine with Windows NT BIOS. Could you give the specs of this machine?

  • Dénes Cselovszky says:


    Is this a DEC workstation? Could you write a little about the specs of the machine, and how well does Genera run on it?

  • B Groves says:

    There is a reasonably functional beta version of Genera around for PCs running LINUX. I use it and have had minimal problems with it. It is quite fast too.

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear B Groves,

      Since writing this post, I have switched to that version.


      • B Groves says:

        David Schmidt now has a much better and stable version for linux if you are still into this.

        • Stanislav says:

          Dear B Groves,

          The most recent one I have is "snap5", circa 2010.

          If you know of a warez link to a newer one, I invite you to post it here.

          Otherwise I must note that I am not about to pay $8,000 for a closed turdware a second time ! (my original purchase was under the flag of a now-defunct organization, so the subscription is lost, DKS does not answer my mail.)

          My current interest is largely from a reverse-engineering ditch-the-closed-turds-and-preserve-the-ivory-arch-properly POV.


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