Published at: 07:01 pm - Friday January 20 2012
Progress has been slow, because I have been otherwise occupied for quite some time. Slow, but not entirely still. Since turning Loper OS into an ab initio CPU architecture project, I have been using Xilinx development boards for prototyping. For the past year — an ML-501. The FPGA toolchain itself is (grudgingly) Linux-friendly, but those […]
Published at: 06:09 am - Thursday September 03 2009
Let’s take another look at the console. There are several boards inside, but this is the only one which deals in custom Symbolics protocols (as opposed to the widely-known intricacies of operating a black-and-white CRT.) The rough annotations are my own. Click on the pictures for super-size (~10MB!) images. Once again, the Phase Encoded Video […]
Published at: 05:09 am - Tuesday September 01 2009
The machine does indeed power up and run: But this is not enough. The console is a museum piece. While a Lisp Machine circa 1986 might last for a reasonably long time between repairs, a CRT of the same vintage likely will not. Moreover, it is a pain to have around, even if it were […]