“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 10: Introducing Karatsuba's Multiplication.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

Dicţionar Român-Englez.

This post exists to give a permanent home and linkable reference point for certain materials. Specifically, a — to my knowledge, currently the only one found anywhere on the entire Net — grep-able plain-text English-Romanian dictionary. The original source was an ancient piece of MS-Windows nagware. The perpetrator of this item (I hesitate to dignify […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 9: "Exodus from Egypt" with Comba's Algorithm.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 8: Interlude: Randomism.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 7: “Turbo Egyptians.”

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 6: “Geological” RSA.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 5: "Egyptological" Multiplication and Division.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 4: Interlude: FFACalc.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 3: Shifts.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]