Published at: 03:03 pm - Thursday March 04 2021
Recently, I received a tip that some Linux users saw rubbish in place of certain Unicode glyphs appearing in the FFA series (in particular, in Ch. 14.) If the following two rows of symbols do not appear recognizably-identical in your WWW browser: ← → ⇠ ⇢ ⌊ ⌋ … the following fix is likely to […]
Published at: 07:12 pm - Sunday December 20 2020
Thank you, 2020 Rack Service subscribers! I would like to wish all of you another great year of hygienic Linux on high-quality non-Fritzed iron! The 2021 service agreement is identical to the 2020 one. With the unfortunate exception that Deedbot Wallet is closing down on Dec. 25, 2020, and hence will no longer be accepted […]
Published at: 10:04 pm - Thursday April 30 2020
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]
Published at: 01:04 pm - Saturday April 11 2020
I have recently built two new WWW mirrors containing certain publicly-available software: 1. Historic Gentoo Distfiles. I have been using Gentoo for nearly all Linux-related work since 2007. It was “the lesser of evils”: to my knowledge, no other Linux variant ever offered a comparable level of rodenticidal control, while at the same time providing […]
Published at: 01:02 pm - Tuesday February 25 2020
Update (Aug 2021) : billymg wrote a a very spiffy node explorer based on this program. Update (May 2020) : Support for “peers” command. ‘Watchglass’ is a simple program for monitoring the health of a constellation of Bitcoin nodes. The user interface is in the form of an IRC bot, based on my August 2019 […]
Published at: 01:01 pm - Tuesday January 14 2020
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]
Published at: 03:01 pm - Saturday January 11 2020
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]
Published at: 03:01 pm - Tuesday January 07 2020
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]
Published at: 03:01 pm - Monday January 06 2020
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical “Open Sores” abomination, in that — rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives — prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same […]
Published at: 06:11 pm - Wednesday November 27 2019
Congratulations to the very first ‘Dulap’ subscriber of my machine rack service! … installed with a colocated customer-owned FG (this service carries no additional charge!) : Thank you for your business!