Bitcoin, or How to Hammer in Nails with a Microscope.

“The enlightened, disciplined mind is the holiest of holies, a wonder among wonders. Upon the Earth – a grain of sand in the Universe, man is on the order of one-billionth of the smallest magnitude… And yet this particle in your mind’s eye, that lives but for sixty or so trips of the Earth around […]

Project JMC

The great inventor John McCarthy (1927 – 2011) now has an official posthumous website: Project JMC. Don’t miss his fascinating (though little-known) political essays!

RIP jmc.

A giant fell. And circus pyramids of idiot midgets make cargo-cult noises. Sniveling trendoids, have you run out of crocodile tears yet? And his “Maxwell’s Equations of Software”?  How many have even heard of, much less understood them? They will be remembered long after the last idiot shiny toy maker has closed up shop. They […]

Posted in: Lisp, Mathematics, NonLoper, ShouldersGiants by Stanislav 13 Comments

Nock Nock (Part 2)

All of my Nock/Urbit explorations will now live here.

Nock Nock (Part 1)

Here is a very simple Common Lisp compiler [1] of Nock,  C. Yarvin’s elegant systems language. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; *************************** define reader macros *************************** (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (defmacro char-macro (ch &body body) `(set-macro-character ,ch #'(lambda (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) ,@body))) ; define syntax of N-expression (char-macro #\[ (reduce #'(lambda (&rest exp) (if (functionp (car exp)) […]