Phuctor Broke Several RSA Keys.

(5/20 Update: This.) (5/18 Update: Tired of the contemptible media disinformation and faux-reporting on this subject? For some fresh air, see Mircea’s article, ‘On how the factored 4096 RSA keys story was handled, and what it means to you.’) Phuctor, “The RSA Supercollider,” is a long-term collaborative project of yours truly and Mircea Popescu. I am […]

Practical Blockchain Telegraphy.

Mircea Popescu writes: ‘Now making an irc channel is quite the pleasant experience : you create something out of nothing, get to name it and are now the boss of it. For a generation devoid of proper “empire building” avenues, this is about as cool as it gets. So you can do anything you wish, […]

Trilema 2014

I had the honour of being invited to Trilema 2014 in Timișoara – where I exhibited a few completed gadgets. More pictures at Mr. P’s site.

Cardano Prototype Tidbits: TRNG Boards.

Cardano is a joint project of yours truly and Mircea Popescu. The objective: an inexpensive, user-auditable gadget which attempts to deal with the problem discussed in “Don’t Blame the Mice.” Refer to Mr. Popescu’s page for more details. The device consists of a mainboard (not yet complete) to which two TRNG modules, containing two equivalent analog […]

Of Decaying Urbits.

After the sale of my Urbit ‘dukedom’, several readers have written to me, asking ‘why.’ The following was my reply to one such letter, from a fellow who suggested implementing a proper hardware foundation for Nock (Urbit’s computational base.) Dear [Reader], Here was my own Nock. But notice that I made no attempt to implement […]

Dukedom for Sale.

Urbit “dukedom” [1] no. 24, “DYS”, belonging to yours truly, is hereby for sale! Sold! Please enjoy your purchase, Mr. Gogulski! Price: 4.5 BTC, payable to 15pWcAqagHf2EeFjapjWt4EhYWgL5fne7s. Sale ends on Dec. 31. Anyone seriously interested should contact Curtis Yarvin, the author of Urbit, to broker the sale. Alternatively: I’ve written a PGP-signed declaration of the sale. [2] […]

A Country of Which Nothing is Known but the Name.

If you came here via a search engine, you were probably looking for Pierre Cartier’s wonderful mini-biography of the mathematician Alexander Grothendieck – from which I shamelessly stole the title. Please go straight there. Otherwise… “And so no one, except for two people, enters the top floor of the Aedificium. …” The abbot smiled. “No […]

Moldbug's Urbit.

Mencius Moldbug’s Urbit system appears to be public!  Take the time to read his introductory materials – you will not regret it.   Any regular reader of this site will probably take some interest in Urbit. While I disagree with many of Moldbug’s fundamental design decisions, I believe that his is the first modern ab initio […]

On the fact that Bitcoin has a Kill Switch; and how to disconnect it.

“There are three classes of people: Those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.” (Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.) It is widely understood that early adopters of Bitcoin, who showed up on the scene in the days when mining difficulty was low, are sitting pretty, and will continue […]

Shitcoin: a Modest Proposal.

This post is of interest only to those who study Bitcoin. If you have never heard of Bitcoin, read my previous post on the subject. Shitcoin is to be a distributed network for attaching “dirt” to particular bitcoins when certain conditions are met, in a manner which allows Bitcoin users to post bonds in order […]